id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-24626 Kosavic, Andrea Sustaining and Enhancing the Scholarly Communications Department: A Comprehensive Guide. Kris S. Helge, Ahmet Meti Tmava, and Amanda R. Zerangue. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2019. 164p. Paper, $70.00 (ISBN: 978-1-4408-6699-9). LC 2019031275. 2020-09-10 3 .pdf application/pdf 1833 77 49 Book Reviews 1051 diverse, sometimes startlingly timely essays that speak not only to badge-carrying archivists but also to the constellation of staff and professionals who work side by side with them. Amanda R. Zerangue brings her JD, MLS, and past practice of law to a career in librarianship where she currently manages digital services and offers a suite of scholarly communications services. cache/crl-24626.pdf txt/crl-24626.txt