id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-24369 Beile, Penny; Choudhury, Kanak; Mulvihill, Rachel; Wang, Morgan Aligning Library Assessment with Institutional Priorities: A Study of Student Academic Performance and Use of Five Library Services 2020-04-03 24 .pdf application/pdf 13887 445 29 Library interaction data are being added to the Education Advisory Board’s Student Success Collaborative platform for predictive analytics, and the library is now working with the in- stitutional effectiveness office to develop, implement, and populate an analytics dashboard that matches student library interactions with user and nonuser demographic and academic information. With $39.3M in performance-based funding received by the institution in 2016–2017,4 it is easy to see that retaining even a relatively small number of students can have large financial implications for the institution as well as enhanced success for students.5 The library had already started an initiative to collect student interaction data at five ser- vice points for the primary intention of program improvement. cache/crl-24369.pdf txt/crl-24369.txt