id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-24341 Joseph, Kris The Culture of Digital Scholarship in Academic Libraries. Robin Chin Roemer and Verletta Kern, eds. Chicago, IL: American Library Association, 2019. 240p. Paper, $71.99 (ISBN 978-0-8389-1897-5). LC 2019943587. 2020-03-05 3 .pdf application/pdf 1782 71 41 The University of Washington’s digital scholarship librarian, Verletta Kern, synthesizes many of the challenges of digital scholarship as a set of “wicked problems” (78) that the insti- tution continues to interrogate: the values, practices, and contexts of the modern scholarship are framed by questions of the library’s purpose, its priorities, its decisions about strategic infrastructure investment, ongoing funding challenges, and a desire to shift institutional poli- cies in support of the recognition of digital scholarship outputs. Chapter authors’ perspectives are informed by their varied positions at the University of Washington library and a complex portrait of digital scholarship appears when their perspectives are taken together. cache/crl-24341.pdf txt/crl-24341.txt