id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-23616 Lo, Patrick; So, Stuart; Liu, Qianxiu; Allard, Bradley; Chiu, Dickson Chinese Students’ Motivations for Overseas versus Domestic MLIS Education: A Comparative Study between University of Tsukuba and Shanghai University 2019-11-01 23 .pdf application/pdf 11773 410 36 To improve the students’ perceptions of their 1032 College & Research Libraries November 2019 future career, more internship opportunities should be offered to LIS students for their better understanding of potential workplaces and other employment opportunities worldwide. Furthermore, this study has allowed for a broad overview of career patterns among two groups of Mainland Chinese MLIS students while also providing a better understanding of individual personal stories, as well as their career aspirations. cache/crl-23616.pdf txt/crl-23616.txt