id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-23526 Michalak, Russell; Rysavy, Monica D.T.; Dawes, Trevor A. What Degree Is Necessary to Lead? ARL Directors’ Perceptions 2019-09-04 14 .pdf application/pdf 6351 276 46 Mech reported that 97 percent of the library directors he surveyed had attained a library degree—an almost universal job require- ment at any size college or university in the 1980s.11 Researchers noticed the job market tight- ened in libraries during the 1980s as many displaced, unemployed, or failed academics from other disciplines moved into libraries.12 Consequently, the competition stiffened with more candidates applying for director-level positions in academic libraries.13 Researchers have audited job listings in library trade journals to determine if job require- ments for nonadministrative librarians and library directors were different. He found that the number of library directors at small colleges who held advanced degrees (second master’s or doctorate) increased by the year 2000. cache/crl-23526.pdf txt/crl-23526.txt