id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-17825 Detmering, Robert; McClellan, Samantha; Willenborg, Amber A Seat at the Table: Information Literacy Assessment and Professional Legitimacy 2019-07-11 .pdf application/xhtml+xml 8847 351 32 Namely, respondents indicated that a lack of resources, the utility of assessment data on campus, and organizational tensions had a negative impact upon their ability to use information literacy assessment data to legitimize themselves as educators. 08_Detmering A Seat at the Table: Information Literacy Assessment and Professional Legitimacy Robert Detmering, Samantha McClellan, and Amber Willenborg* This qualitative study explores academic librarians’ perceptions of and experiences with information literacy assessment, focusing primarily on issues of professional identity, agency, and power. cache/crl-17825.pdf txt/crl-17825.txt