id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-17407 Kaspar, Wendi Arant Approaching a New Year—And a New Look for the Journal 2018-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 3046 157 52 The themes listed are in order of most cited traits to least; in other words, for past positive leaders, emotional intelligence has the most and most repeated traits, and catalyst for change has the least number of and least repeated traits, while for future leaders people first has the most and most repeated traits and communicator the least. The themes listed are in order of most cited traits to least; in other words, for past positive leaders, emotional intelligence has the most and most repeated traits, and catalyst for change has the least number of and least repeated traits, while for future leaders people first has the most and most repeated traits and communicator the least. cache/crl-17407.pdf txt/crl-17407.txt