id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-17400 Rosenzweig, James W.; Thill, Mary; Lambert, Frank Student Constructions of Authority in the Framework Era: A Bibliometric Pilot Study Using a Faceted Taxonomy 2019-04-03 20 .pdf application/pdf 9500 334 35 We performed a broad review of the literature to identify a suitable method for analyzing the authority of student sources, eventually settling on and making modest modifications to a faceted taxonomy developed by Chris Leeder, Karen Markey, and Elizabeth Yakel in 2012.3 The taxonomy of Leeder, Markey, and Yakel is a “format neutral” rating system that eliminates artificial distinctions between print and online resources. To say that corporately authored, self-published works by nonprofit organizations (subfacet combination 3C4A5C) at 6.8 percent narrowly edged out similar works by both commercial entities (subfacet combina- tion 3C4A5B) at 6.2 percent, and government entities (subfacet combination 3C4A5E) at 5.3 percent provides a somewhat clearer picture of student source selection; moreover, it provides us with an easy and value-neutral means of describing subtly distinct types of material. cache/crl-17400.pdf txt/crl-17400.txt