id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-17114 Tyler, David C.; Hitt, Brianna D.; Nterful, Francis A.; Mettling, McKenna R. The Scholarly Impact of Books Acquired via Approval Plan Selection, Librarian Orders, and Patron-Driven Acquisitions as Measured by Citation Counts 2019-05-03 36 .pdf application/pdf 18171 715 49 With respect to the issue of undergraduates’ potential for being problematic selectors, one 530 College & Research Libraries May 2019 recent study of a PDA program for undergraduates did find that the books undergraduates requested tended not to be widely held by peer institutions,48 whereas studies of programs that were less restricted by patrons’ status have found PDA/DDA books to be held widely by peer institutions or held widely in general.49 The same study on undergraduates as selectors also reported that selections made by undergraduates appeared not to obtain as great a circulation advantage as has been reported elsewhere for less restricted programs.50 In yet another study, Purdue University’s librarians found that books requested by undergraduates tended to be subsequently checked out most frequently by other undergraduates.51 These studies raise the strong possibility that undergraduates’ PDA/DDA purchases may be qualitatively different from purchases made by faculty, graduate students, and other types of patrons, which has understandably made placing the patrons on an equal footing to selectors an issue of concern for some PDA critics.52 In light of the uncertainties recounted above, and owing to the fact that no one has yet looked into the scholarly impact of PDA books, it would seem worthwhile to examine whether books provided by vendors or publishers via approval plans or e-book packages, purchased by librarians via firm ordering, or acquired via PDA/DDA programs produce a greater schol- arly impact. As well, given the uncertainty surrounding the various types of academic library patrons as purchasers of scholarly works, it would also seem worthwhile to examine whether PDA books acquired by the various types of patrons are of commensurate interest to scholars. cache/crl-17114.pdf txt/crl-17114.txt