id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16925 Roberts, Linds West; Welsh, Megan E.; Dudek, Brittany Instruction and Outreach for Transfer Students: A Colorado Case Study 2019-01-07 29 .pdf application/pdf 12882 531 36 Transfer students may be more likely to come from underrepresented backgrounds, be older, have full-time or part-time jobs, support dependents, be financially independent, and so on, and these demographic characteristics may impact their transition to their new institution.1 If colleges and universities are not prepared to meet the needs of students who are outside the “traditional” college student profile, then transfer students may experience obstacles at their new institution. These responses indicate that, while few libraries are providing transfer student–specific services, transfer students may receive outreach through campus opportunities meant for the general student population. cache/crl-16925.pdf txt/crl-16925.txt