id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16922 Shelton, Mark E. M. Leslie Madden, Laura Carscaddon, Denita Hampton, and Brenna Helmstutler. Now You’re a Manager: Quick and Practical Strategies for New Mid-Level Managers in Academic Libraries. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. 2017. 94p. 2018-02-27 2 .pdf application/pdf 1301 73 63 The library’s human resources staff may also find that this is a good tool for providing training to new library managers. Written to fill a gap in both the literature and available professional development courses on manage- ment in academic libraries, this book provides advice to those mid-level managers who may be filling a leader- ship role for the first time. cache/crl-16922.pdf txt/crl-16922.txt