id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16849 Mitchell, Michael R. Creative Instructional Design: Practical Applications for Librarians. Brandon K. West, Kimberly D. Hoffman, and Michelle Costello, eds. Chicago: ACRL, 2017. 396p. Paper, $72.00 (ISBN 978-0-83898-929-6). 2018-01-03 2 .pdf application/pdf 998 44 43 Taken together with the first volume, this set would be valuable additions to the reading of anyone involved in instruction and learning within the academic environment.—Alicia Hansen, College of the Holy Cross Creative Instructional Design: Practical Applications for Librarians. Creative Instructional Design largely fulfills its edi- tors’ statements in the introduction that “Instructional Design” is being defined broadly in this book to “ac- commodate the authors’ variety of approaches and perspectives” (ix). cache/crl-16849.pdf txt/crl-16849.txt