id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16795 Greene, Harlan Engaging with Records and Archives: Histories and Theories. Fiorella Foscarini, Heather MacNeil, Bonnie Mak, and Gillian Oliver, eds. London: Facet Publishing, 2016. Paper, $85.00 (ISBN 978-1-78330-158-4). 2017-10-30 2 .pdf application/pdf 1218 49 49 This work is a welcome addition to published re- search in the area of digital scholarship, boasting an international lens and the helpful integration of the theo- retical with the practical. This book will be of greatest value to those in the academic library community with a focus in the area of digital scholarship. cache/crl-16795.pdf txt/crl-16795.txt