id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16738 Tenopir, Carol; Dalton, Elizabeth D.; Christian, Lisa; Jones, Misty K.; McCabe, Mark; Smith, MacKenzie; Fish, Allison Imagining a Gold Open Access Future: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Funding Scenarios among Authors of Academic Scholarship 2017-08-31 20 .pdf application/pdf 10343 395 53 But when it comes to the idea that articles published in Open Access journals are of lower quality than those published in subscription-based journals, it is faculty who express the strongest agreement.27 But these two subject areas differ somewhat when it comes to the idea that articles published in Open Access journals are of lower quality than those published in subscription-based journals, with those from social science agreeing slightly more with this statement than those from arts/humanities.31 Open Access Scenarios Respondents were asked to imagine a future in which open access with APC payment was the dominant publishing model. cache/crl-16738.pdf txt/crl-16738.txt