id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16731 Luo, Lili Experiencing Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP): Academic Librarians' Perspective 2018-05-02 14 .pdf application/pdf 7866 322 40 To determine what actions will lead to desired outcomes at acceptable costs and without unwanted consequences Know-who (to involve) To identify the stakeholders that need to be involved for potential actions Know-about (problems) To understand the nature, history and characteristics of existing problems/ phenomena/situations in context Know-how (to put into practice) To investigate how to perform an action or implement a solution effectively Purposes of using evidence to support decision making Instrumental use Evidence is used to directly influence a specific decision, or a solution to a specific problem Strategic or tactical use Evidence is used as an instrument of persuasion to support or challenge an existing position Imposed use Evidence is used as a requirement imposed by others, such as the funding agency Conceptual use Evidence is used to impact the knowledge, understanding, and attitudes of practitioners and decision-makers Sources of evidence Hard evidence Tangible evidence, including published literature, existing statistics, local research findings, and non-scholarly publications Soft evidence Intangible evidence, including human knowledge/input and anecdotes Experiencing Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice 559 “Recently we subscribed to a streaming video website, where we were allowed to choose 150 titles that we wanted to put on the streaming site. This hierarchy only includes research evidence and is arranged in descend- ing order of the evidence’s methodological soundness. cache/crl-16731.pdf txt/crl-16731.txt