id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16692 Weinraub, Jennifer Yao Harder to Find than Nemo: The Elusive Image Citation Standard 2018-05-02 19 .pdf application/pdf 9172 541 52 Students need to be aware of what should be included in an image citation, how to format image citations by using accepted documentation styles, and how to adapt cita- tions to a variety of end products (presentations or posters, for example).6 Benjamin R. Harris7 and Molly J. Schoen8 both describe the importance of teaching image citation in visual literacy instruction programs, but they do not describe image citing in detail. In an article on the development of ACRL’s Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, Denise Hattwig, Kaila Bussert, Ann Medaille, and Joanna Burgess write: Image citation is a foundation issue in academic contexts; images are part of the scholarly conversation that is supported by consistent citation practices. cache/crl-16692.pdf txt/crl-16692.txt