id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16610 Faniel, Ixchel M.; Connaway, Lynn Silipigni Librarians' Perspectives on the Factors Influencing Research Data Management Programs 2018-01-03 20 .pdf application/pdf 10103 472 41 They included: current versus planned RDM services, institutional RDM champions, motivations behind RDM services, librarians’ RDM involvement and the value they brought versus gained, challenges and benefits of helping researchers, suggestions and ideas that would make it easier for librarians to help researchers, and librarians’ perceived confidence that they were helping researchers and meeting needs. Of those that do, most studies have been quantitative and outline RDM services and the competencies and training that librarians need to support researchers.5 cache/crl-16610.pdf txt/crl-16610.txt