id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16594 Fishel, Teresa A. David W. Lewis. Reimagining the Academic Library. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016. 192p. Paper, $40 (ISBN 978-1-4422-3858-9). 2017-04-19 2 .pdf application/pdf 1307 52 52 In view of recent events, our libraries may become even more important on each of our campuses as pointed out by Chris Bourg, head of MIT libraries, who recently shared in an Educause talk on libraries and our role in higher education, that we may not need to save libraries, but libraries may indeed be what saves us. Reimagining the Academic Library provides both a succinct overview of the external forces that have been driving change in academic libraries for more than the past two decades as well as proposed steps academic library leaders and librarians should take to address these forces and help complete the transition to a relevant, digital 21st-century academic library. cache/crl-16594.pdf txt/crl-16594.txt