id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16588 Schaub, Gayle; Cadena, Cara; Bravender, Patricia; Kierkus, Christopher The Language of Information Literacy: Do Students Understand? 2017-04-19 14 .pdf application/pdf 6687 273 46 Since it is impossible to know exactly what students do or do not know, it is best to err on the side of clarity and define the terms when necessary.6 There are only a handful of studies that identify information literacy terms least understood by students, with the goal of either improving communication between library staff and students or examining whether library terminology interferes with student understanding. It is recommended that librarians work with faculty to make them aware of students’ lack of understanding of information literacy terms and that librarians also reinforce their meaning during library instruction and in one-on-one consultations. cache/crl-16588.pdf txt/crl-16588.txt