id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16566 Bieraugel, Mark; Neill, Stern Ascending Bloom’s Pyramid: Fostering Student Creativity and Innovation in Academic Library Spaces 2017-04-19 18 .pdf application/pdf 8644 394 49 Gayton’s idea of library spaces—different types for different student needs—supports our idea that students need distinct spaces for the types of learning and behavior associated with creativity and innovation. Similar to Gayton’s ideas of library space, Scott Bennett argues that, when designing learning spaces in a library, it is crucial to consider what types of behavior the design will elicit.29 Hannah Bennett’s discussion of library design, as seen through the lens of neuroscience, is intriguing and posits that library space is similar to “productive research environments” in fostering creativity and innovation. cache/crl-16566.pdf txt/crl-16566.txt