id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16564 Soria, Krista M.; Fransen, Jan; Nackerud, Shane Beyond Books: The Extended Academic Benefits of Library Use for First-Year College Students 2017-04-19 15 .pdf application/pdf 7644 305 49 The purpose of this paper was to investigate whether there are rela- tionships between first-year college students’ use of academic libraries and four academic outcomes: academic engagement, engagement in scholarly activities, academic skills development, and grade point aver- age. For instance, scholars have provided evidence for the positive associations between college students’ use of academic libraries, fall semester grade point averages, and retention from fall to spring semester.1 These benefits also extend to students’ reten- tion from their first year to their second year of enrollment and to their final first-year cumulative grade point average.2 Similar studies have revealed positive associations between the number of books students borrowed and their grade point average,3 as well as significant relationships between the number of resources held at libraries and students’ development of critical thinking skills.4 cache/crl-16564.pdf txt/crl-16564.txt