id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16504 Jones, Phil; Bauder, Julia; Engel, Kevin Mixed or Complementary Messages: Making the Most of Unexpected Assessment Results 2016-03-01 15 .pdf application/pdf 7402 247 41 The range of sources students in Spanish TABLE 4 Student Responses on Identifying Influential Source Question 2: Influence: “Which single source has most influenced your thinking on the topic? It was this significant, campus-wide interest in student research that shaped the guiding question for the present study: whether and how do typical in-class research literacy sessions help students to learn and to grow as researchers.4 To address this question, the team de- cided to conduct a mixed-methods study, including both a quantitative performance assessment using citation analysis and a qualitative element in which students were asked to reflect on their research process and learning. cache/crl-16504.pdf txt/crl-16504.txt