id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16483 Johnson, Phill The Librarian Stereotype: Deconstructing Perceptions and Presentations of Information Work. Eds. Nicole Pagowsky and Miriam Rigby for the Association of College and Research Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 2014. 312p. Paper, $60.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8704-9). 2015-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1303 58 49 Their intent is to revitalize the conversation surrounding librarian stereotypes and how we all too often go to great lengths to not fit a specific stereotype, thinking that act alone will in some way make a perception fade away. Chapter 3 focuses on why we are so driven to change librarian stereotypes and whether that interest is even productive. cache/crl-16483.pdf txt/crl-16483.txt