id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16466 Greene, Harlan Patricia Steele, David Cronrath, Sandra Parsons Vicchio, and Nancy Fried Foster. The Living Library: An Intellectual Ecosystem. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2015. 138p. Paper, $42.00 (ISBN 978-0-8389-8740-7). 2015-09-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1200 44 40 Anthropology students, with proper training and back- ground, conducted ethnographic studies of the library to determine their peers’ study patterns; library staff, broken into teams, conducted structured observations of library patrons, while others were part of co-design sessions, allowing various constituen- cies to articulate their thoughts on an ideal library, with the final team interviewing undergraduates, the major users of McKeldin Library. By describing the various students and task forces employed, the volume also shows what academic libraries do best—fostering the interconnectivity and interplay between various disciplines and users—no matter the condition of the building in which we work.—Harlan Greene, College of Charleston Tomas P. Mackey and Trudi E. Jacobson. cache/crl-16466.pdf txt/crl-16466.txt