id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16462 May, Francine; Swabey, Alice Using and Experiencing the Academic Library: A Multisite Observational Study of Space and Place 2015-09-01 25 .pdf application/pdf 10324 389 54 This study examines how students are using academic library spaces and the role these spaces are playing in the campus community. Other researchers have found that, while in the library, students are likely to engage in both academic and social pursuits, often simultaneously.11 Academic work remains their primary activity, however; Foster found that academic vs. recreational activities happened at a ratio of 6:1 in the library, while Suarez observed that, even with their flirting, chatting, and other social endeavours, students in the library are engaged in academic work most of the time.12 Students have repeatedly indicated that they want library spaces to support both academic and social activities, and these researchers conclude that the library succeeds in fulfilling these disparate roles. cache/crl-16462.pdf txt/crl-16462.txt