id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16461 Kinsley, Kirsten; Besara, Rachel; Scheel, Abby; Colvin, Gloria; Brady, Jessica Evans; Burel, Melissa Graduate Conversations: Assessing the Space Needs of Graduate Students 2015-09-01 15 .pdf application/pdf 6861 300 52 Review of Selected Literature While large ethnographic studies have been conducted in libraries since the landmark Rochester study,3 few of these studies have adopted a holistic, multimethod approach to studying graduate student populations.4 Most studies of graduate students have fo- cused on specific themes, such as their research needs, how they use the library, how to design a better library website, or how to build a more attractive institutional repository.5 It is difficult to summarize graduate student behaviors and needs. Storage is also part of the large footprint for graduate students and a key component as they continue to prefer print formats and tend to compile large collections of print and online research materials.13 Graduate students also pay attention to the atmosphere of a space and their sur- roundings. cache/crl-16461.pdf txt/crl-16461.txt