id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16419 Walter, Scott Looking Back, and Looking Forward: 75 Years of College & Research Libraries 2015-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 892 29 41 Editorial 245 When the editorial board first raised the idea of preparing a special issue of College & Research Libraries to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Association of College & Research Libraries and its role in promoting research in the field of academic librarianship, the idea of selecting representative articles from its long history was daunting. Representing central concerns for the field such as information literacy, faculty engagement, library leadership, gender in the profession, and diversity, each of these Looking Back, and Looking Forward: 75 Years of College & Research Libraries doi:10.5860/crl.76.3.245 246 College & Research Libraries 75th Anniversary Issue studies is worth review for its impact on our understanding of enduring concerns in our field, as well as emergent ones. cache/crl-16419.pdf txt/crl-16419.txt