id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16400 Fabbi, Jennifer L. Fortifying the Pipeline: A Quantitative Exploration of High School Factors Impacting the Information Literacy of First-Year College Students 2015-01-01 12 .pdf application/pdf 6349 257 46 Finally, although outside the scope of this study, there is evidence to suggest that the same pedagogies and educational practices recommended for high school students and their development of information literacy competency would continue to benefit them into the college years. Examples of cognitive activities classified as higher order include analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information, constructing arguments, making comparisons, asking research questions, dealing with controversies, and identifying hidden assumptions, all of which draw directly from constructivist learning theory and relate directly to information literacy best practice.11 Several methods have been developed to assess information literacy competency, and they have been classified into the categories of fixed-choice tests, performance assessments, and rubrics.12 Most recently, the Educational Testing Service developed the iSkills assessment to measure ICT literacy. cache/crl-16400.pdf txt/crl-16400.txt