id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16391 Ondrusek, Anita L.; Thiele, Harold E.; Yang, Changwoo Writing Abstracts for MLIS Research Proposals Using Worked Examples: An Innovative Approach to Teaching the Elements of Research Design 2014-11-01 20 .pdf application/pdf 8596 352 44 Zhu and Simon substituted worked examples for lectures and other classroom activities in physics problem-solving among college students with promising results in knowledge acquisition.21 Owen and Sweller found that students learned solutions to algebra problems, made fewer errors, and required less time to solve test problems similar to those presented to them in worked examples.22 In follow-up studies, stu- dent performances demonstrated that the use of worked examples could substitute for extended instruction and practice in solving algebra problems.23 A review of the worked example literature concluded that worked examples “promote the type of flexible transfer that educators are seeking in their classroom[s].”24 The worked examples used in mathematics and science have been described as classical worked examples. Using typical worked examples, the students learn the descriptive elements more readily than the compositional elements, and composition, or rhetorical skills, improve through the confluence of worked examples along with other interventions.42 Improvement of those rhetorical skills appeared not to be amenable to significant change during a short exposure to worked examples. cache/crl-16391.pdf txt/crl-16391.txt