id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16375 Dougan, Kirstin “YouTube Has Changed Everything”? Music Faculty, Librarians, and Their Use and Perceptions of YouTube 2014-07-01 15 .pdf application/pdf 7008 307 51 • Are there differences in YouTube use/perceptions between faculty members at different points in their careers? crl13-471doi:10.5860/crl.75.4.575 576 College & Research Libraries July 2014 • How do faculty member and music librarian perceptions of the usefulness of and concerns about You Tube differ? While this survey gathered data about YouTube use by faculty in subdisciplines such as music theory, ethnomusicology, con- ducting, and performance areas, discussion and analysis of those data will be reported in a separate article in the music literature. cache/crl-16375.pdf txt/crl-16375.txt