id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16365 Kulp, Christina; McCain, Cheryl; Scrivener, Laurie Teaching Outside the Box: ARL Librarians’ Integration of the “One-Box” into Student Instruction 2014-05-01 11 .pdf application/pdf 5976 242 55 Four of the interviewees noted the value of offering students a simple, Google-like search option that will help them access the library’s resources, while three respondents believed the one-box either sends the wrong message that library research is easy, or fails to make library research easier. Of the 202 respondents who selected options from the provided list (those who did not select from the list or only gave an “Other” response were not included in the numerical analysis), the three most often selected reasons for teaching the one-box were “it’s a good way to get students to use the library’s resources” (107, 53%), “the one-box makes library research more intuitive to Google users” (95, 47%), and “it provides ‘good enough’ results” (94, 46.5%). cache/crl-16365.pdf txt/crl-16365.txt