id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16309 Repplinger, John David Lee King.Face2Face: Using Facebook, Twitter, and Other Social Media Tools to Create Great Customer Connections. Chicago: Information Today, Inc., 2012. 194p. alk. paper, $24.95 (ISBN 9780910965996). LC2012-013506. 2013-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1276 69 64 My absolute favorite London Museum is Soane House, where the famous archi- tect Sir John Soane lived in the late 18th and earlier 19th centuries. Thus, Malcolm Jones documents in some detail how engraved border and framing motifs in printed French Books of Hours in the earlier 16th century found their way into church wood sculpture of the period in England—an interesting example of the unexpected ways in which this genre was appropriated in the early modern period. cache/crl-16309.pdf txt/crl-16309.txt