id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16297 Krafft, Scott Colin Franklin. Obsessions and Confessions of a Book Life. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Press; Camberwell, Victoria, Australia: Books of Kells; London: Bernard Quaritch, 2012. 262p. alk. paper, $49.95 (ISBN: 9781584563044). LC2012-018734. 2013-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1324 60 60 As is often the case with book dealers, Franklin’s own collecting and scholarly in- terests and his work in the trade went hand in hand, or sometimes hand out of hand. Both a memoir and a collection of dis- crete topical essays, Colin Franklin’s book about his personal and professional intersections with the world of books is a delight. cache/crl-16297.pdf txt/crl-16297.txt