id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16267 Kellsey, Charlene; Knievel, Jennifer Overlap between Humanities Faculty Citation and Library Monograph Collections, 2004–2009 2012-11-01 15 .pdf application/pdf 7515 299 56 The overall average does not tell the entire story, though, since considerable variation was found among the four FIGURE 4 Cited Books by Discipline, Represented or Not Represented in Chinook, the Local ILS (N=5,611) 81% 67% 84% 72% 19% 33% 16% 28% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Philosophy Classics English History In Chinook Not in Chinook FIGURE 5 Percentage of Owned Books Acquired Via an Approval Plan Versus Direct (Firm) Ordering by Discipline (N=1,217)* 84% 72% 86% 80% 16% 28% 14% 20% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Philosophy Classics English History Approval Firm *Calculated as a percentage of books for which ordering information was available (21% of total citations) Overlap between Humanities Faculty Citation and Library Monograph Collections 577 fields examined. Few citation studies of monographs have been done, mostly due to the dif- ficulty of selecting an appropriate group of monographs to study. cache/crl-16267.pdf txt/crl-16267.txt