id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16261 Ring, Richard J. The Library of Congress and the Center for the Book: Historical Essays in Honor of John Y. Cole. Ed. Mary Niles Maack. Washington: Library of Congress in association with the University of Texas Press, 2011. 223p. $24.95 (ISBN 9780844495255). LC2011-020436. 2012-09-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1795 70 45 Winship illuminates a narrow chapter in the publication history of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, related to a copyright dispute, wherein Spofford “emerges as cool, precise, and knowledgeable, in marked contrast to the ‘apparent disorder’ of the collections and the ‘heavy plodding’ nature of his clerks.” Finally, Donald G. Davis, Jr. (profes- sor emeritus of library history at the University of Texas at Austin) submits a succinct but intriguing view of “Interna- tional Trends in Library History,” which serves as a sort of capstone to the volume. The practice of library history is becom- ing more scholarly (and is increasingly based on primary documents) rather than merely celebratory or antiquarian. cache/crl-16261.pdf txt/crl-16261.txt