id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16213 Sheehan, Jennifer K. P.J.M. Marks. Beautiful Bookbindings: A Thousand Years of the Bookbinder’s Art. New Castle, Del.: The British Library and Oak Knoll Press, 2011. 192p. alk. paper, $49.95 (ISBN 9781584562931). LC 2011-016079. 2012-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1348 65 60 This is what makes it such an interesting series of case studies in book history. In the 1980s, copies of the KC began moving to Japan in such quantities that Japan now ranks third on the sweeps list after the United States and the United Kingdom. cache/crl-16213.pdf txt/crl-16213.txt