id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16205 Kayongo, Jessica; Helm, Clarence Relevance of Library Collections for Graduate Student Research: A Citation Analysis Study of Doctoral Dissertations at Notre Dame 2012-01-01 21 .pdf application/pdf 10056 378 59 A previous study of graduate students at Notre Dame found that students identified materials relevant to their research by searching a database or reading an article or book and that, if the library did not own an item, 64 per- TABLe 10 Hesburgh Libraries’ Ownership of Cited items by Disciplinary group* group Citations Owned % Owned % Top 1,000 Cited items Owned ** Arts and Humanities 10,818 7,297 63 90 Engineering 7,032 4,395 67 83 Science 5,369 4,093 76 92 Social Sciences 5,185 3,378 65 75 Overall 27,652 18,461 67 93 * % 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2, 02 5 A ve ra ge fo r Sc ie nc e* 78 % cache/crl-16205.pdf txt/crl-16205.txt