id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16123 Hoek, D.J. Janice Leslie Hochstat Greenberg. Jazz Books in the 1990s: An Annotated Bibliography. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2010. 211p. alk. paper, $45 paper (ISBN 9780810869851). LC2009-051072. 2010-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1916 78 47 If indeed the bibliography keeps growing, thus creating a much more complete inventory of jazz books and establishing a broader context for the publications compiled so far, Jazz Books in the 1990s can be understood less for its limitations and more for its potential. As this body of literature grew, compilers of bibliographies adopted various selective strategies, restricting their scope to books (such as Carl Gregor in his International Jazz Bibliography: Jazz Books from 1919 to 1968 [1969; supp. cache/crl-16123.pdf txt/crl-16123.txt