id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16070 Sweeper, Darren; Smith, Steven A. Assessing the Impact of Gender and Race on Earnings in the Library Science Labor Market 2010-03-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 6739 287 47 As with neoclassical economic theory, these models assume perfect mobility, which implies the ab- sence of noneconomic barriers such as discrimination.24 This approach to labor market analysis usually requires the de- velopment of earnings attainment models that include quantifiable human capital variables hypothesized to influence the determination of wages. The occupationalist perspective con- tends that significant earnings differen- tials are due to segregation of jobs based on irrelevant characteristics such as gender and race.25 Occupationalists fo- cus on both individual and occupational factors to explain differences in wages. cache/crl-16070.pdf txt/crl-16070.txt