id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16049 Dowell, Dave Jack Simpson. Basics of Genealogy Reference: A Librarian’s Guide. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2008. 176p. alk. paper, $40 (ISBN 9781591585145). LC2008-010596. 2009-11-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1794 105 66 However, Simpson gives one renewed appreciation for the daunting challenge faced by these brave souls: In 1900, census enumerators were di- rected to record nativity as follows: In case the person speaks Polish, as Poland is not now a country, inquire whether the birthplace was what is now known as German Poland or Austrian Poland, and enter the answer accord- ingly as Poland (Ger), Poland (Aust.), or Poland (Russ.). These six countries are as follows: Austria, which lost territory to Czechoslovakia, Italy, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Rumania; Hungary, which lost territory to Austria, Czechoslova- kia, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Yugo- slavia; Bulgaria, which lost territory to Greece and Yugoslavia; Germany, which lost territory to Belgium, Czecho- slovakia, Danzig, Denmark, France, Lithuania, and Poland; Russia, which lost territory to Estonia, Finland, Lat- via, Lithuania, Poland, and Turkey…. cache/crl-16049.pdf txt/crl-16049.txt