id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15993 Duke, Lynda M.; MacDonald, Jean B.; Trimble, Carrie S. Collaboration between Marketing Students and the Library: An Experiential Learning Project to Promote Reference Services 2009-03-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 7386 297 49 The lack of specific “how-tos” in marketing can be frustrating to marketing students. Ideally, working with the client takes marketing concepts far beyond the boundaries of a textbook and provides students a realistic context5 and can help them develop problem-solving and team­ work skills that they will continue to use after graduation.6 While valuing the benefits of experi­ ential learning, educators also recognize the difficulty of engaging students en ­ rolled in lower-level marketing courses in a practical marketing experience when Collaboration between Marketing Students and the Library 111 those students typically lack a firm grasp of marketing concepts.7 One common way to overcome this obstacle is to find a client accustomed to volunteers without formal training, such as not-for-profit organizations (NPOs). cache/crl-15993.pdf txt/crl-15993.txt