id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15987 Hyde, Gene Robert Hauptman. Documentation: A History and Critique of Attribution, Commentary, Glosses, Marginalia, Notes, Bibliographies, Works-Cited Lists, and Citation Indexing and Analysis. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2008. 240p. alk. paper, $35 (ISBN 9780786433339). LC2008-07099. 2009-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1249 64 54 In a fine example of how well Hauptman cites and acknowledges other sources, he punctuates his discussion of Gibbon with a quote from Chuck Zerby’s history of footnotes: “Someone once said that notes ran along the bottom of Gibbon’s pages like dogs yapping at the text.” For those who have struggled with teaching undergraduate students the intricacies of citation style, Hauptman’s comment that, after 20 years as an editor, “some authors, even those whose cre- dentials and publication records would seem to imply an absolute mastery of this simple necessity, are incapable of getting things just right” provides some contex- tual awareness. cache/crl-15987.pdf txt/crl-15987.txt