id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15957 Head, Alison J. Information Literacy from the Trenches: How Do Humanities and Social Science Majors Conduct Academic Research? 2008-09-01 20 .pdf application/pdf 8519 466 53 In particular, the survey asked respon- dents to answer questions about: (1) the steps they took during the research pro- cess, (2) the perceived helpfulness of the campus library, (3) the perceived helpful- ness of professors’ coaching techniques on research assignments, (4) the problems experienced during the research process, (5) the time spent researching, writing, and editing research papers, and (6) the major concerns with working on research projects. Thirty handouts detail- ing student research assignments in a humanities or social sciences course were analyzed. cache/crl-15957.pdf txt/crl-15957.txt