id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15947 Zoellner, Kate; Samson, Sue; Hines, Samantha Continuing Assessment of Library Instruction to Undergraduates: A General Education Course Survey Research Project 2008-07-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 6380 268 49 Although no sta- tistical demographic differences were established, the LUMENS Project demon- strated that interactive multimedia shows were effective teaching tools for library- user education content.3 A study on the impact of librarians in first-year medical and dental problem-based learning pro- viding instruction to small groups found no statistical difference from instruction to large groups.4 In an assessment of the model of teaching the teachers, randomly selected sections of English composition supported the premise that classroom instructors were more effective than either librarians or online tutorials in effective information literacy instruction delivery.5 No statistical significance was found when comparing information literacy instruction in two sections of an under- graduate telecommunications class—one led by an instructor, the other utilizing Web-based content delivery.6 Carter dis- cusses outcome-focused assessments of library research instruction using pre- and post-tests, a itude and usage surveys, and focus groups.7 Incoming provisional students were reported to make sig- nificant gains a er a four-week intensive summer program at Virginia Union University that included The tacit assumption that student research confidence in completing their research-based assignments and using library research tools correlates to their research abilities needs to be explored and evaluated with an additional or separate instrument that aims to capture learning outcomes. cache/crl-15947.pdf txt/crl-15947.txt