id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15945 Mill, David H. Undergraduate Information Resource Choices 2008-07-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 7756 344 49 Table 7 compares the aver- age number of books, journals, and total citations for social sciences bibliographies TABLE 7 Social Sciences: Open-Web vs. No-Open- Web Bibliographies Total Citations Books Journals No-Open-Web (N = 50) 10.90 3.10 7.36 Open-Web (N = 59) 13.19 3.02 4.24 350 College & Research Libraries July 2008 TABLE 8 Open Web Sites by Domain .com .edu Table 6 registers the mean propor- tion of open Web site citations per bibliography at 16.8 percent, with the social sciences having the high- est proportion at 20.1 percent, humanities the lowest at 12.2 percent, and the sciences falling between at 15.7 percent. cache/crl-15945.pdf txt/crl-15945.txt