id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15929 Alexander, Jean M. Wiegand, Shirley A. and Wayne A. Wiegand. Books on Trial: Red Scare in the Heartland. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2007. 286p. alk. paper, $24.95 (ISBN 0806138688). LC 2007-4141. 2008-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1981 96 61 In one of the funniest but also most illuminating inter- views of this highly enjoyable volume— Markham’s conversation with Eric Korn, the London bookman once known for his “Remainders” column in The Times Liter- ary Supplement—we come to understand that “ill-organized” may in fact be just the self-deprecating way in which the very best booksellers describe how they lead a customer from book to seemingly unre- lated book, often based on only a single minor physical or textual detail the books have in common—“minor,” that is, except in the eye of the prospective customer. Crisscrossing associative fi laments link the thousands of books on the bookseller’s shelves in a dense net of intertextuality, a net that may exist solely in the bookseller’s mind and can be only inadequately rep- resented or replaced by catalog searches or even keyword searching in a full-text environment. cache/crl-15929.pdf txt/crl-15929.txt