id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15881 Quintana, Isabel del Carmen Baca, Murtha, et al. Cataloging Cultural Objects: A Guide to Describing Cultural Works and Their Images. Chicago: American Library Association on behalf of the Visual Resources Association, 2006. 396p. $75 (ISBN 0838935648). LC 2006-13342. 2007-07-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1322 79 64 Cataloging Cultural Objects is a detailed and thorough manual that helps a cata- loger, or noncataloger, deal with the attri- butes particular to cultural objects—from small pieces of realia, to buildings—from sections of a painting to digitized images of artworks. The guide was still helpful in bringing to my attention certain concepts and properties that are unique to cultural objects. cache/crl-15881.pdf txt/crl-15881.txt