id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15880 Kinkus, Jane Project Management Skills: A Literature Review and Content Analysis of Librarian Position Announcements 2007-07-01 12 .pdf application/pdf 6739 279 46 And second, assuming that project management skills are important for librarians, is project management currently being taught in library science master’s degree programs? They also reported that, as libraries and librarians acquire more experience with electronic resources and digital projects, more functional areas throughout the institution are involved.27 Therefore, not only does the progression of technology seem to be introducing more opportuni- ties for project-based work in libraries, but the increased complexity caused by a project’s need for expertise from multiple departments leads to an increased need for project management skills in modern librarian jobs. cache/crl-15880.pdf txt/crl-15880.txt