id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15879 Jones, D. Yvonne How Much Do the “Best” Colleges Spend on Libraries? Using College Rankings to Provide Library Financial Benchmarks 2007-07-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 5223 237 57 In contrast, the larger groups of NCES–Lib- eral Arts College Libraries (N=216) and NCES–All Academic Libraries (N=3,700) showed right-skewing of values, with higher mean than median results. “Reference Transac- tions/Week” showed higher val- ues for the top two thirds of the USN&WR group, while the bot- tom third of the USN&WR rank- ing and the NCES–Liberal Arts College Libraries group were es- TA B L E 1 F T E a nd I np ut M ea su re s fo r To p- R an ke d L ib er al A rt s C ol le ge L ib ra ri es , A ll L ib er al A rt s C ol le ge L ib ra ri es , an d A ll A ca de m ic L ib ra ri es , M ea n an d (M ed ia n) V al ue s To ta cache/crl-15879.pdf txt/crl-15879.txt