id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15868 Kwon, Nahyun; Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J.; Alexander, Linda Critical Thinking Disposition and Library Anxiety: Affective Domains on the Space of Information Seeking and Use in Academic Libraries 2007-05-01 11 .pdf application/pdf 5708 266 39 Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the nature of the association between critical thinking disposition and library anxiety among graduate students. Specifically, whereas critical thinking disposition is positively related to performance in academic-re- lated activities,33 library anxiety is nega- tively associated with academic-related achievements, such as research proposal writing,34,35 grade point average,36 and performance in research methodology courses.37,38 Moreover, Anthony Onwuegbuzie, Qun Jiao, and Sharon Bostick suggested that library anxiety hinders information search performance by impeding stu- dents’ ability to receive, to concentrate on, and to encode information necessary for the research proposal writing pro- cess.39 They explained this phenomenon by speculating that library anxiety may create cognitive interference by causing the students to shi from task-relevant to task-irrelevant thoughts. cache/crl-15868.pdf txt/crl-15868.txt